Marketing Games let you play with your brand

Play with your brand - receive your FREE custom report for marketing games

Learn how a custom-made marketing game can help your brand

Marketing games integrate brands into video games to advertise products, services or viewpoints. With the growth of the internet, marketing games have proliferated, often becoming the most visited aspect of brand websites and becoming an integrated part of brand media planning in an increasingly fractured media environment.

Marketing games theoretically promote repeated traffic to websites and reinforce brands. Users choosing to register to be eligible for prizes can help marketers collect customer data.

Gamers may also invite their friends to participate, which could assist promotion by word of mouth, or viral marketing.

We make unique cross-platform marketing games, designed for your brand, tailored to your customers, optimized for your budget, focused on your results.

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Play with your BrandTM

Gain more customers and more insight with Hypersurge®, a gamification service that connects users with brands through play. With over 1,000,000,000 brand engagements to date, our custom-made, cross-platform games showcase your brand and acquire insight from player behavior.

Our optimized process

Consultation and written specification


We do it with you

Rapid 5-15 day development process


We do it for you

Game released to distribution channels


We do it for you

Measure and learn from players’ choices


We do it with you

Cartoon Network
Ministry Of Defence
Your brand here

Is your brand looking for a unique, innovative and cutting edge marketing strategy to increase sales, user engagement and customer loyalty? We create world class games that showcase your brand.